Monday, December 6, 2010


Happy December! I have so much to post, I've been a BAD blogger the past few months! But I have inspiration that I didn't have last year at this time. My husband had my nephew Caleb build me THIS early this year...................

So I have no reason not to be creative! This December I'm attempting to have a Daily December album inspired by scrapbooker Ali Edwards. I'll try to get some posts up this week of my album. Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tuesday......will you blob me?

God is good, tonight, Brother Jarrod is planning on having an invitation....pray for us!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Monday...God is EXTRAORDINARY!!

Counselor Initiation, happens every year.... Minute to Win It.......poor counselors......
Lovin me some sr staffers....


Monday, July 26, 2010

CHILDREN'S CAMP..........I AM!!!

Sunday......Departure, Minute To Win It, Sno Cones & Inflatables.......Tacos for Dinner!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mama's Day

We had such a great weekend, we went and saw Iron Man 2 Friday night, 2 baseball games Saturday(with shopping in between:), grilled steaks Saturday night, church Sunday morning, grilled pizzas at my brother's house and just hung out with the family the rest of the day. I put together some lotion, socks, etc...for my mom and had time to make her a few note cards, she loves to write handwritten notes to her family and that woman!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

There's a change a comin......

I'm not good with change, and......I know that's not good. I took this picture of my oldest son the last day he wore his junior high football uniform. I'm also VERY sentimental - did I mention that? I snapped it when he was walking away, and then when I went back through the pictures I took that day, this one stood out.....there's a change a coming! His first day of high school is quickly approaching.......oh stomach is churning..........seriously, wasn't I just scooping him up in my arms and kissing his sweet little feet just a moment ago? No more kissing of those feet......but how I love him and am proud of the young man he is becoming............God is the only one who can ease my fear of change, and with that, change can be exciting and not scary...God is good!

Monday, March 1, 2010


I know we are SO past Valentines Day, but I just had to post pictures of a Sweetie Book I made off of the House of 3 website! So cute! So Easy! Love! You can check out the instructions here, Once you download the printables, print out on cardstock and you can make the book and add your own pictures. The binding is simply crepe paper - how cool is that? And I got the jewel that I put on the front of the book at Lowes in the lighting section!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow, Superbowl, and Scrapbooking!

Where did January go? I can't believe it is approaching the middle of February. We are day 8 of snow days since January 4th people!! I have to admit, I love staying home, but seriously!

Okay, so here are a few Super Bowl pictures and I am finishing up a valentines project - so cute. Stay warm!!